國立中央大學公益傳播中心 - Center for Media and Social Impact at National Central Univ.

【Knowledge Bank】13 Ways to Build a Following for Your Nonprofit on LinkedIn

➹Point of Media & Social Impact ! ───As the predominant social network for high-net-worth business professionals, LinkedIn can help you reach wealthy donors, corporate sponsors, planned-giving professionals and grant makers.

By |2018-11-07T15:10:44+08:007 9 月, 2018|knowledge bank|0 Comments

【Knowledge Bank】4 areas AI makes the world more accessible

➹Point of Media & Social Impact ! ───In the era of information explosion, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology is helping people with disabilities both interact with the physical world and use digital devices and services.

By |2018-11-07T15:10:44+08:003 8 月, 2018|knowledge bank|0 Comments
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